Foods to Eat After Wisdom Tooth Removal

Team Blog, Dental Health, Oral Surgery

What you eat following wisdom teeth extraction can have a big impact on how you feel during your recovery. While you can expect to be sore and maybe swollen following oral surgery, most patients do not experience high levels of pain after their extractions. Our office will provide detailed instructions about dietary restrictions and foods to avoid during your recovery period in order to help you follow the smoothest, most comfortable postoperative course possible. Below are a few nutritious and tasty foods to help ease your recovery after a wisdom tooth extraction.

Food To Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal
– Apple sauce
– Ice cream
– Soup
– Jell-O or pudding
– Mash potatoes
– Yogurt
– Smoothies or milkshakes
– Instant oatmeal

Food To Avoid After Wisdom Teeth Removal
Along with knowing what foods to eat after wisdom teeth removal, it is equally important to know the foods that you need to avoid for a speedy recovery.

• It is imperative to avoid foods that can crumble easily or break to small pieces like cookies, chips, crackers, popcorn or foods containing nuts. These small and hard pieces of food can get lodged in the site of extraction and disrupt the formation of clots, causing infections.

• Stay away from acidic and spicy foods to aid in recovery. Acidic foods can cause stinging at the site of the wound and lead to pain and discomfort.

• Refrain from eating sticky and chewy substances or foods that require your mouth to be opened very wide. Once you are on the way of recovery, you can start including hard or solid foods in your diet.

• You need to avoid overdriving your muscles while eating because that can cause undue pressure in your mouth. Sucking leads to removal of clots that help in healing and can lead to dry sockets, which is a serious side effect. While it is very important to stay hydrated and consume lots of liquids, avoid using a straw.

On the day of surgery, begin with clear liquids and then progress slowly to more substantial foods. Remember, it is important to maintain nutrition for optimal healing to occur.

Contact Prestige Oral Surgery
For more information and to learn more about the wisdom tooth removal process, call 732-297-7000 to schedule an appointment today.