Restore Your Smile in Just One Day!

Team Dental Implants

Teeth-in-a-day is procedure that will give you your smile back in no time at all. At Prestige Oral Surgery we can replace your missing teeth in just one day. Advances in oral imaging, like our 3D Cone Beam CT Scan have made it possible to place dental implants quicker and with more precision than ever before.

What Is Teeth-In-A-Day?
Teeth-in-a-day is an alternative to traditional dental implants that take months and many repeated trips to complete. Teeth-in-a-day requires less recovery time as compared to traditional dental implants and is completed much more quickly.

Who Can Benefit From Teeth-In-A-Day?
Anyone who is a candidate for dental implants can benefit from teeth-in-a-day. Patients typically have missing, loose, damaged, or failing teeth or want a cosmetic solution to their existing teeth. If you are thinking about getting dental implants, but hate the idea of the waiting involved in the process, teeth-in-a-day may be right for you.

3-D Technology
Utilizing the 3D Cone Beam we measure the bone available for each patient’s implant to confirm the best fit and enhance your teeth’s proper alignment, beauty, and function. This imaging technology produces 3D images of the patient’s mouth that allows a precision diagnosis. Once a plan has been approved by you, your dentist and your surgeon, the prosthesis is fabricated to be ready for placement the day of your procedure.

On The Day Of The Procedure:
• Teeth and infected tissue are removed.
• Titanium dental implants are inserted within the bone using computer-guided surgical tools.
• A temporary, non-removable prosthesis is fitted to remain in place while the titanium implants fuse to the bone.
• Once fused, the temporary prosthesis is removed and a permanent prosthesis attached.

Learn more about the teeth-in-a-day procedure and find out if you are a good candidate by calling Prestige Oral Surgery at 732-297-7000.