Wisdom Teeth Management

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Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the last teeth to develop and appear in your mouth. They come in between the ages of 17 and 25, a time of life that has been called the “Age of Wisdom.” Wisdom teeth are easier to remove when the patient is younger, since their roots are not completely formed, the surrounding bone is …

Are You Missing Hard To Reach Spots While Brushing?

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 Here are some tips on how to brush your teeth so that you don’t miss the hard to reach spots: – Use a soft-bristled toothbrush with a small head. This will help you get into all the nooks and crannies of your teeth. – Brush for at least two minutes, twice a day. This is the amount of time it …

Is eating ice cream or sipping a cup of hot coffee painful for you?

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Many adults suffer from uncomfortable sensitivity when they eat, drink, or touch their teeth. Possible causes of tooth sensitivity may be: Tooth decay (cavities) Cracked or fractured teeth Worn fillings or tooth enamel Gum Disease Exposed tooth root If you have sensitive teeth, the first thing to do is schedule a dental exam with us to find the cause. Next, …

Why We Offer Patient-Centered Communication

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Many patients confide in us that they are thankful we caught something before it became a bigger issue. At Prestige Oral Surgery we use a patient-centered approach for educating our patients and aligning with their oral health goals. We use a two-way dialog during your visit as we visually look into your mouth, probe with instruments and view digital x-rays. …

4 Reasons Teeth Shift

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As we age there is a natural lifelong tendency of the teeth to drift toward the front of mouth (toward lips). Sleeping position (side or stomach) can cause shifting as well as day drooping in front of computer. Grinding teeth is a common issue and because of the constant application of force on the surfaces of the teeth it can …

What clicking or popping in your jaw may mean?

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  Have you ever felt clicking or popping in your jaw or pain when you talk or chew? Many people suffer from jaw, muscle, and joint disorders known as temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and may not even know it. While it is not always possible to pinpoint the exact cause of TMD, in many cases it is due to arthritis, injury, …

What is dry mouth?

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Dry Mouth also known as Xerostomia can be irritating, painful, and damaging to hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity.  We all need saliva to not only moisten and cleanse our mouths but also for digesting food.  Saliva acts as a buffer in the mouth to help control pathogens, Without it, the growth of opportunistic bacteria and fungi goes …

Dentures are not a quick fix

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In our office we talk to many patients who believe getting dentures is the answer to all their dental problems. If they just had all their teeth pulled, they wouldn’t need to spend any more time or money coming to visit the dentist. While dentures are a great option for patients who’ve already lost teeth or whose teeth are unable …

Tongue Fact:

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The average person has 10,000 TASTE BUDS on their tongue. Our sense of taste brings us so much joy and so many new experiences! No wonder “bud” means “friend”!

How Serious Is An Impacted Wisdom Tooth?

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If left in the mouth, impacted wisdom teeth may damage neighboring teeth, or become infected. Because the third molar area of the mouth is difficult to clean, it is a site that invites the bacteria that leads to gum disease. Oral bacteria may travel from your mouth through the bloodstream, where it may lead to possible systemic infections and illnesses …