Why Dental Implant Is More Beneficial?

Team Dental Health, Dental Implants, Oral Health

A bright and dazzling smile is the key to success for people in their profession as well as in any other aspects of their life. Denture adhesive is one of the options people fall back on to keep their denture in place. Despite some benefits, denture adhesive users find it problematic, and instead of boosting people’s confidence, the fear of …

When Will You Remove Your Wisdom Teeth?

Team Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Health, Wisdom Teeth

When considering the removal of wisdom teeth, one cannot help but wonder when would be the best time to schedule the surgery. Not only the date for the surgery needs to be taken into consideration but also the recovery time. Firstly, a comprehensive dental examination should be performed to determine if a referral to an oral surgeon for further evaluation …

Dental Implants: Solution For Missing Teeth

Team Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Health, Dental Implants, Oral Health

Do you have dental issues or injuries that have led to tooth loss? If so, dental implants might be the right option for you! Most dentists and oral surgeons will agree that dental implants are the best option for replacing missing teeth. They offer a sense of comfort knowing they are just as strong and comfortable as real teeth and …

Let Us Define Osseointegration

Team Dental Health, Dental Implants, Oral Health, Oral Surgery

The strength, durability, and longevity of dental implants make them the best possible option for replacing missing teeth. Dental Implants are essentially artificial tooth roots that are fused into your jawbone to anchor replacement teeth. This process is called osseointegration. How Dental Implants Integrate Into The Jaw Osseointegration is defined as the process by which living bone and tissue attaches to …

The Future Deserves Vibrant Smiles

Team Dental Health, Oral Health

DO YOU HAVE A graduation, reunion, vacation, or wedding coming up? These occasions mean LOTS of photographs. Are you ready? Whether you’re in the wedding party, a parent to the bride or groom, or just prepping yourself to see old friends, you want to look your best for all those photos. Your Smile Is The FIRST Thing People Notice While …

Teenagers Having Gum Disease

Team Dental Health, Oral Health

If your child complains of sore, tender or bleeding gums after brushing or flossing, he or she may have early signs of gum disease. Healthy gum tissue and bone are necessary for each tooth. Gingivitis threatens the support system of your child’s teeth. What Is Gum Disease Gum disease involves irritation and infection of gingival tissue. This occurs when tartar …

Dental Implant Needs Special Care

Team Dental Health, Dental Implants

Dental implants are permanent replacements for missing teeth. Normally placed by an oral surgeon, dental implants are bio-compatible, they fuse to your jawbone naturally and function exactly like a natural tooth. As sturdy replacements to natural teeth, dental implants can prevent further tooth loss because they provide the structural support that surrounding teeth need to stay in their proper positions. …

Three Important Tips When Getting Dental Implant

Team Dental Health, Dental Implants

First step: Implant surgery. The first step of getting an implant involves the implant placement done by the dentist performing this surgery. The titanium implant screw is carefully placed into the jawbone where once you had a tooth root. After the surgery and during the recovery and healing process it is important to maintain a diet of soft foods and …

Symptoms Of Having Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Team Dental Health, Oral Health

An impacted tooth is a tooth that has not fully emerged from your gums or jaw. In some cases, a tooth may grow at the wrong angle. This can cause the alignment of surrounding teeth and cause other complications. Early detection gives you more options for addressing the issue, reduces discomfort, and averts other issues related to impaction. Visit Your …

Dental Implant for Lasting Tooth Replacement

Team Dental Health, Dental Implants

No other tooth alternative replacement at the same time replaces the root and the crown of the tooth. Dentures, partials, and fixed bridges only recreate the top part of the tooth, yet the part that you can not see (the root) is additionally indispensable for all-out oral wellbeing, and dental implants take your treatment to the next level by likewise …