Let Us Define Osseointegration

Team Dental Health, Dental Implants, Oral Health, Oral Surgery

The strength, durability, and longevity of dental implants make them the best possible option for replacing missing teeth. Dental Implants are essentially artificial tooth roots that are fused into your jawbone to anchor replacement teeth. This process is called osseointegration. How Dental Implants Integrate Into The Jaw Osseointegration is defined as the process by which living bone and tissue attaches to …

Dental Implant Needs Special Care

Team Dental Health, Dental Implants

Dental implants are permanent replacements for missing teeth. Normally placed by an oral surgeon, dental implants are bio-compatible, they fuse to your jawbone naturally and function exactly like a natural tooth. As sturdy replacements to natural teeth, dental implants can prevent further tooth loss because they provide the structural support that surrounding teeth need to stay in their proper positions. …

Causes of Pericoronitis

Team Dental Health, Dental Implants, Oral Health, Wisdom Teeth

For some, individuals, getting their intelligence teeth expelled is a quite effortless, straightforward procedure. Be that as it may, there are a couple of situations when knowledge teeth expulsion is performed not as a deterrent measure, but since of extreme, horrendous contamination. A condition called pericoronitis can create when the gum tissue around the astuteness teeth become tainted and kindled. …

Addressing Tooth Loss with Teeth-In-A-Day

Team Dental Implants

The loss of adult teeth has many negative consequences, which include compromised oral esthetics, increased risk of oral health problems, and the potential loss of healthy jaw bone structure. In order to address all of these concerns, it is important to replace teeth that have gone missing. Am I A Candidate? In order to determine if a patient is an …

Dental Implants: Before or After Braces

Team Dental Implants

Patients with missing teeth who also want or need to bring their smiles into the correct alignment may need to get both braces and dental implants. In such cases, the patient’s specific needs will determine the order in which those treatments are provided. Dental Implants After Braces Placing implants after orthodontic work is completed is the most common method of …