Is It Okay To Have Dental Implants After Braces?

Team Dental Implants

Patients with missing teeth who also want or need to bring their smiles into the correct alignment may need to get both braces and dental implants. In such cases, the patient’s specific needs will determine the order in which those treatments are provided. Dental Implants After Braces Placing implants after orthodontic work is completed is the most common method of …

How To Get Dental Implants Without Anxiety?

Team Dental Implants

Dental Implants Without Anxiety It is not uncommon for patients to experience anxiety at the prospect of going to the dentist. We understand that dental phobia is a real problem, but it should not keep you from getting the treatment you desire. Fortunately, when you have implants placed with sedation you can enjoy a relaxed, comfortable treatment. Prestige Oral Surgery …

Replacing Your Molars Into Dental Implants

Team Dental Implants

Can Dental Implants Replace Missing Molars? Dental implants are superior to other tooth replacements, lasting longer and looking better than other options like dentures and bridges. Depending on the location of the missing tooth, patients may have different concerns about the tooth and the dental implant used to replace it. Molars, the large teeth at the rear of the upper …

All About Cosmetic Dentistry and Dental Implants

Team Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Implants

It is said that an impression is made inside a couple of moments of gathering an individual and perpetually an individual with a great smile is certain to establish a decent connection and impression. It is conceivable that your teeth may get harmed because of an accident, rot with persistent utilization. On the off chance that you lose your teeth, …

Treatment Options that are Cost Efficient

Team Blog, Dental Health, Dental Implants

Dental implants have become more predictable, enduring and cost-effective than other dental solutions and are now stronger, more permanent and possible for virtually almost any patient. Dental Implants And Their Construction The anatomy of dental implants consists of two important features, a titanium post, and an artificial crown. The titanium post is incredibly durable and will eventually function like a …

Improve Your Appearance By Dental Implants

Team Dental Implants

If you are unhappy with your facial appearance, you may have considered plastic surgery procedures that could lift, tuck, and reshape problem areas. However, for those that need to take care of missing or damaged teeth, dental implants may provide a solution for both areas. Not only do they serve as great way to enhance a beautiful smile and oral …

Dental Implants Recovery Process

Team Dental Health, Dental Implants

As dental implants increase in popularity, the surgical procedures to place them are quite common. Still, many people are nervous about this procedure, perhaps not really knowing what to expect. Before the implant surgery you will undergo a complete dental exam. Everything is planned out in advance so that we know the exact location along the jaw to place the …

Bone Grafts Safety

Team Bone Grafts, Dental Health, Dental Implants

Dental implants placed within the jawbone have become an increasingly popular and aesthetic way to replace missing teeth with strong, high-quality artificial teeth that look, feel and function like your own teeth. Unfortunately, in some cases, the jawbone may not be strong or substantial enough to support dental implants. The bone grafting procedure is an excellent way to replace lost …

Complications of Non Removed Wisdom Teeth

Team Wisdom Teeth

It’s best to have wisdom teeth removed in early adulthood, if necessary. For those who wait until an older age, the risks and complications associated with wisdom tooth removal are more likely to increase. Complications of Non Removed Wisdom Teeth First we must explain the complications that can result if wisdom teeth are not removed. The problems include: Impacted teeth. …

Which Teeth Can Be Replaced By Dental Implants?

Team Dental Implants

Patients with missing teeth no longer need to rely on bridges and dentures to replace their teeth. It is difficult to enjoy life with an incomplete smile and many patients fear social situations and smiling around others because missing teeth affects their self-esteem. Any missing tooth can now be replaced seamlessly thanks to new advances in implant dentistry. How Dental …