Dental Implants Health Benefits

Team Dental Health, Dental Implants

Missing teeth can affect a person on many levels. The inability to chew can take its toll from a nutritional and social standpoint. There is no better way to replace teeth than with dental implants. Dental implants are replacement prosthesis for teeth that have been damaged or lost due to physical trauma or disease. Through a process called osseointegration, the …

Is Replacing Missing Teeth Important?

Team Dental Implants

Missing one or more teeth can severely influence your daily life. It can affect your general health, your appearance and self-esteem. It is recommended to replace missing teeth as soon as possible and below are a list of reasons why. Bone Atrophy In the same way that exercising your body helps keep muscle tone, jaw bone mass is maintained through …

Why Are Wisdom Teeth Problematic?

Team Wisdom Teeth

While most people believe that wisdom teeth removal is a necessity, not every patient has to have his wisdom teeth removed. The reason that most dentists suggest having your wisdom teeth removed at an early age is because they are known for causing serious problems when they are fully formed. By removing them before the issues develop, you have one …

Your Best Option to Replace Missing Teeth

Team Dental Implants

If you are missing teeth or need an extraction it can be an emotional and stressful experience trying to figure out your options for tooth replacement. Advancements in dentistry now give you multiple options when it comes to resolving tooth loss, but which is really the best option? While dentures and bridges have held a common place in tooth replacement …

Steps To Take Before and After Oral Surgery

Team Oral Surgery

Oral surgery may be required for a variety of reasons. You may have an impacted tooth trapped in the jawbone or a tooth that is poorly positioned and damaging neighboring teeth. It is especially common to have these types of problems with growing wisdom teeth. Oral surgery is also necessary for the placement of dental implants, tooth and facial injuries, …

Placing Dental Implants After Suffering Facial Trauma

Team Dental Health, Dental Implants

Traumatic injuries can affect our bones, muscles, skin, and teeth. Injuries to teeth most often happen as a result of sports injuries or similar accidents. Severe dental injuries include dislodged or knocked out teeth. Treatment and prognosis of the dental injury depends on several factors, such as the severity and type of the injury, and the location of the injury …

Is There a Waiting Period for Dental Implants After an Extraction?

Team Dental Implants

Dental Implants After an Extraction If you have a missing tooth, you have many choices for tooth replacement. Dental implants are the most stable and efficient of all the dental prosthetic options. Dental implants are a remarkable advancement in dental technology. Replacing missing teeth with dental implants depends on multiple factors. Immediate Placement If there is sufficient bone around the …

Smoking and Increased Risk of Dental Implant Failure

Team Dental Implants

A dental implant is a standout among the most well-known treatments for supplanting missing teeth. A dental implant is a lasting answer for restoring your teeth to their normal look and feel. Since dental implants treatment requires oral surgery, unique consideration must be taken to guarantee implant achievement. Smoking is known to be a noteworthy contributor to implant failure. Smoking …